Neumiller & Beardslee
Tax, Trust, Probate and Estate Planning
Attorneys at Neumiller & Beardslee advise clients on a wide variety of matters, including revocable, irrevocable, and testamentary trusts and wills, as well as tax consequences related to certain types of business transactions and transfers. Should the situation warrant, the attorneys are prepared to assist the client in litigation involving taxes, probate, conservatorships, and claims for refunds from the IRS.
The attorneys practicing tax law are also experienced with structuring transactions to minimize income taxes, sales taxes, and real property taxes. This group of attorneys specialize in estate and gift tax planning for high net worth individuals using the most sophisticated legal means available to maximize the benefit of assets for heirs and the preservation of family owned businesses. The firm attorneys include a Certified Specialist, Taxation Law and Probate, Estate Planning and Trust Law, State Bar of California Board of legal Specialization and a Masters Degree in Business Administration.
Neumiller & Beardslee
509 W Weber Ave - 5th floor
Stockton CA 95203
Tel: 209 948-8200
Fax: 209 948-4910
As the largest comprehensive service law firm in Stockton and the surrounding region, the firm has a diverse, dynamic, and growing practice. Neumiller & Beardslee's practice includes the areas of real estate, land use, water law, environmental law, employment law, health care law, intellectual property and information technology law, litigation, public agency law, transportation law, business law, tax, public and private financings, probate, and estate planning.
